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Chaps history

As in the particularly English word for “men”. It’s what I’ve been involved with lately and why I haven’t posted much.

I signed up for a free online course through, a class being taught at Princeton University, called “World History since 1300.” It’s been very interesting and I’m really enjoying it and of course getting many ideas for my blog.

Our professor, Jeremy Adelman, has a historian come to class every 2 weeks to talk about their particular field. Last week he had Linda Colley speak and she said the problem with world history is that you get what she calls “chaps history”: the big wars, the big leaders, world exploration, etc. and women’s take on history just gets swept away. So true!!!

That global scale is why I’ve had a hard time focusing on my blog here. That and I’ve been constantly sick due to an unfortunate shake up in my love life. Anyway! I’ve been able to glean a few female stories to pass along (my last entry was one) but mostly it’s been chaps history.

However, my textbook always makes a point of bringing in women’s issues, even if it’s just a sentence or two. I appreciate that!

I didn’t have much of a focus for this blog. I enjoy reading about mistresses as they’ve opened me up to broader views of history…and I think we need more female-centric takes on history. That’s what kept me reading until I finally felt brave enough to take a proper history class, at Princeton of all places! LOL! It helps that I’m not getting a grade or credit. Going back to school, even just online, after 20 years has been a little bit of a challenge, but mostly it’s been a true pleasure.

I’m kind of glad I didn’t find any “meatier” courses to take this winter and spring because I’ve missed writing here.

I shall return!!